Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Breakfast Burritos

I've been wanting to try Freezer Meals for quite some time. My mom and sister in law Becky sell WildTree products, and have been telling me about the Freezer meals they have so i'm of course, having a Freezer Workshop. I"m pretty excited about it. Pete and I have been running around every night it seems and some nights neither of us (well not him as he doesn't cook much!) feel like cooking. So the thought of just throwing things in the oven sounds like an amazing idea to me.
However.....since i've become pregnant, I wake up in the morning STARVING! I thought there had to be some kind of breakfast meals i could make ahead of time and just grab in the morning to make at work. I'm always running late in the morning and don't have time to sit and eat a bowl of cereal. I have gotten better and started cutting up my fruit at night and putting it in a tupperware container to take to work for a morning snack so that helps. Anyway....I found breakfast burritos!

Last night Pete and i made these and i'm SO happy i did.
I cut everything up and Pete was at the stove making the bacon, ham and sausage. I cut up the potatoes and stuck them in the oven for about 25 min., and made the scrambled eggs. After each were cooked, i put them in separate bowls and made an assembly line and stuck everything in burritos.
Now my freezer is stocked with breakfast burritos for the mornings I'm running too late to grab something small to eat! This recipe made me 16 burritos. I only had 2-8 packs instead of 3 - 8 packs, so mine are a little thicker than necessary but it works!

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