Monday, June 25, 2012

Less than a Month....hopefully!

Well...last time i posted, i had 2 months to go and i'm already down to 1 month! I guess time doesn't go THAT slow, but now i'm just way too excited and anxious to see this little baby!! To me, looking back from November when we first found out, time has gone fast. It's already going on July! To Pete, he said it's gone slow...which i think he's crazy :)
The last month has brought on a few more aches and i can definitely say i've become more tired and my sweet tooth seems to have kicked in. Instead of craving just strawberries, the thought of chocolate covered strawberries is really appealing. Trying to bypass the cravings is very difficult sometimes :) Not sure if it's "lucky for me" or a bad thing, but Pete has such a sweet tooth that every night he needs something sweet with his meals, so why not right?? good thing i didn't want this my whole pregnancy or i would have gained 40+ pounds I'm sure!!

Pete and I have the baby room mostly ready. by mostly i mean if the baby were to come now, we'd be fine. All that we're waiting on is decorating the walls with pictures. I have ideas and my mom is coming up this weekend to put me in my place since I suck at decorating. Everything hung in my house is basically by help of my mom...and poor Pete for nailing and re-nailing things up. I just stand back and agree with whatever my mom thinks and try to sound like I have a clue.
Also this weekend my mom is helping me put together some freezer meals, Wildtree of course. That will definitely come in handy when the baby comes so i don't have to worry about that. I do want to find a smaller freezer but that will come!

The baby is SO ACTIVE in me still! i remember reading people saying how towards the end they don't feel the baby kick/move around as much since they don't have a lot of room. Yeah, not so much with this one...either the baby has plenty of room in there still or s/he will come out with size 13 feet like Pete which will explain why the huge kicks have been getting more and more painful. Not complaining though. Every kick i get is reassurance s/he is doing fine! Plus, it's kind of cool watching a foot go from my belly button to my side. i try to tickle it and Pete tries to grab it.
My back has really been hurting though the last few days, not much i can do about that though than hope my wonderful hubby gets my not so subtle hints and massages my back more " back REALLY hurts..." "Hmm, it says in my book that i should get more massages from my husband toward the end...." you get the point, and hopefully Pete too :)

We have a few names picked out and are so anxious to know if he will be called ______ or she will be called ______. i think everyone else is anxious too. My brother Nick has been trying with all his might to get the name out of me since the beginning. The other day i was at Target and the lady asked if we had names picked out. I lied and said no becuase i didn't even want to tell her haha. I can definitely say Pete and i have kept this under wraps the best we could :)

Hopefully the next time i post, it will be a picture of the baby!

Week 36!