Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Week 19 - MANGO!

Nothing too new this week, other than things are getting tight-ER than before...as in pants. i can still thankfully button my jeans. However, when i sit, I need to unbutton them. No big deal, right? I just need to remember to cover up my unbuttoned fly when i get up to walk away from my desk at work :)
I'm feeling a TON more movement each and every week. It's such a reassuring feeling to feel him or her every day. It's always in the morning at work, after lunch, early evening and right before I go to bed. Pete has been patient and puts his hand on my belly whenever i say i feel something in hopes that he'll feel it. Sometimes i'm surprised that he doesn't feel what I do since it seems so extreme to me but nothing apparently! One of these days he will :)

In exactly ONE WEEK is my 20 week appointment. I. CAN. NOT. WAIT! I have been looking forward to this since my 11 week appointment i think lol. I just want to see what's inside of me. Last time i had an ultrasound, the baby looked like a peanut so to see arms/legs etc. will be very rewarding to see :)

Week 19 - Mango

Week 19 - Mango

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

18 weeks and GROWING!

I'm almost 1/2 way done with my pregnancy! I can NOT believe how fast it's been going. I'm so anxious for July to get here, yet, I want to treasure each of these days since I know they'll be gone before I know it. There's definitely been some things that have changed since I've become pregnant:

- I do not like Pete's Dolce & Gabana Light Blue cologne, makes me want to gag
- The only meat I really like right now, is hamburger.
- I don't have to worry about stuffing my face with Chinese food since the chicken i ordered the other day almost made me gag.
- I have an obsession with fruit, although it's not the same fruit. Started off with Clementine Oranges, moved to Grapes and now...apples.
- I no longer drink Wild Cherry Pepsi when it's around becuase it gives me a stomach ache
- I cry, not a lot, but I'll randomly decide crying is the best option for whatever just happened. Pete and Becky can vouche for this one!
- I've learned that I could care less about going to the bars anymore (crazy huh?!) and all I care about is taking care of the little Pepper growing in me :)
- Do not have a full bladder when you have to sneeze....
- Sleeping through the night is long gone when your bladder seems to be getting smaller and smaller and the smallest amount of water you consume has to come out, whether it's 10pm, 2am, 4am etc. you get the point.
- I'm enjoying being able to look down at my feet because I hear one day yous see them, the next day they're gone for months.
- Feeling the baby move around is amazing, theres nothing that beats that feeling right now.
- There's SOOO much baby stuff to look at and decide what's the "best thing" for your baby that it gets overwhelming.
- Having your husband come home and look at you, stop, stare and say "Holy Sh!t your belly had to have grown a ton overnight" had me on the verge of tears, but when he ran to my belly and touched it, it was priceless in his own little way :)
- Dress Pants can't be closed....Jeans can be, until you sit down for a long amount of time and it digs into your belly. If only everyone knew how often my pants are NOT buttoned, they'd be surprised.
- Belly Bands are amazing
- Watching my brothers take a finger in attempt of touching my stomach and not hurt the baby is the cutest thing. Watching their face when i place their whole hand on my stomach is even cuter.
- I have the best family and friends ever....they deal with my constant Baby Talk, asking questions, coming up with ideas etc. After having a rough start to this, twice...having them call, text, email, FB me constantly asking how I am means the world to me and this little baby is going to be so lucky to have so many people love him/her.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

17 Weeks & Valentines Day

For Valentine's Day this year, i decided to surprise Pete. One of his players is a chef at a restaurant in Elkhart Lake, called "Elkhart Inn". We went there once and he served us and it was AMAZING! I secretly sent him an email and asked him to come and cook for us for V-day. I told Pete that we were going out to eat and that i had made reservations. When Deric arrived and rang the doorbell, i told Pete to answer it that it was his V-day surprise. He was very confused lol. When he opened the door and saw his football player standing there he asked him what the heck he was doing there. Then Deric said i'm your chef for the night! Pete was pretty excited. He made us brown butter basted fish, asparagus and asparagus risotto. It was delicious...and a nice v-day change up from normally going out to eat.

Other than that, low key V-day...but we took my 17 week picture! Baby is moving around more it seems which feels so cool!! less than 3 weeks until the 20 week appointment!

It's a turnip, not cute sounding but i'm sure s/he is :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Baby Hahm is Growing!

Just had my 16 week appt! Baby Hahm is doing great, was beating at 147 bpm. I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE hearing that little heartbeat. It is such a miraculous sound. 20 week appt is scheduled for 3/6...can't wait to finally SEE him or her!

13 weeks along

14 weeks :)

We've got an orange!

my little avocado :)

Memory Book for your Son or Daughter

I decided I needed to keep myself busy while pregnant otherwise time will just drag. Thanks to Pinterst and my love for scrapbooking (and my new cricut machine), I came up with this new idea. Come up with 20 questions and ask them to your child every year from age 3 - ??. I made a book for my friend at work whose son is turning 3 shortly. We decided to cut it off at age 14, but you can basically choose any age you want. It's something fun and cute that your children can look back on year after year to see what their answers were and how they've changed. The questions are purposely the same each year so you can see the changes.

On the left side of the page you put a picture of your son or daughter on his or her birthday and then on the right you fill in the questions. It was SO much fun to make, I want to make another :)

I've attached pictures of each year so you can see what I all did. Any takers? :)

Front of the scrapbook