Wednesday, March 21, 2012

22 weeks and Popping!

Officially over halfway done. I can't believe it! This coming weekend, i will already be 23 weeks, which puts me at 17 weeks left! So far all is going exceptionally well! I can't complain as i didn't really have morning sickness, just a nauseous feeling a few times but it was gone within 2 weeks. Maybe this little one knows what a struggle it's been and taking it a little easy on me :)
So far we have the crib and glider in the room all set up! Pete's cousin Andrea has been SUCH A HELP! We are forever thankful for her! She has passed along so many wonderful baby items for us to use for this little one, in exchange, she made us promise she gets to babysit alot. We'll have to see if I ever want to leave the baby first :) J/K. Baby Hahm is already spoiled and hasn't even made his or her appearance...what a lucky little baby!
I haven't been too tired lately, but have been noticing if i work out for a longer amount of time, i get a side ache, so i've cut back on the extent that i exercise. Still doing it....but not like i did which is OK with me :) The baby has been moving a LOT and i've started noticing s/he is awake at 6 and gets one last hoorah in around 10pm for a good half hour. Sometimes Pete has his arm around my stomach when he falls asleep and feels the baby kicking him :)

Here are a few recent pictures!

as long as a carrot!

This was sent to my friend Erin, not sure why she needed it quite yet! :)

Spaghetti Squash :)
 This past weekend my dad came up with the crib! We found one we loved but it wasn't available by us so he found it. Thanks dad! Hard to tell but the walls are a light tan color and the crib is espresso. My mom and i are going to start finding fabric for the windows shortly as well as decorations :)

 Here is the baby mobile Pete's cousin gave us. Plays Bach, Mozart and Beethoven and is adorable :)

Other than baby things, we've just been enjoying the beautiful March weather in Sheboygan. Can't get over how gorgeous it's been lately. We've been taking Izzy on longer walks which she absolutely loves, she's missed saying hi to all her doggy friends in the neighborhood, and by saying hi, i mean barking at and sniffing.

Izzy likes to tan on our patio out back :)
That's all for now! We have a busy 4 months coming up, basically something going on every weekend so i'll try to keep up :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

20 week appt!!

We just got done with our 20 week appointment. WOW! It was amazing. I didn't realize everything that they were able to view and look at, but they literally looked at it all. Heart, Brain, kidneys, spine, fingers, toes, legs, arms, face, nose, mouth, head, butt, everything!! The ultrasound tech called the baby a wiggly worm while we were in there because s/he was moving around so much. Pete sat there the whole time with a huge smile on his face :) It was very neat to see how the baby is moving around in there. I have been able to feel jabs, but after seeing it, it was completely different. A few times we'd watch it jab/kick me and i was actually feeling it on the outside which was neat. Pete kept saying the baby was Fist Pumping in there :)

Here are a few pictures from today :)

20 weeks - Carrying low!!

you can see the ribs and the legs :)

Side shot


Love this picture with the arms up!

So adorable!!

the arm and hand

little legs...i think i see a some muscle in the leg already :)

3-D looking right at us

Side profile - 3D

Monday, March 5, 2012

New Calendar

Back when Pete and I lived in Marshall, MN a friend of mine worked at a cute craft store. They had this frame that you write on the days/months/etc. with a wet erase marker. It has a white frame and is see through. It' son my white wall and seemed very boring to i came up with an idea :)
Here's the before:
Kind of hard to see, but it was laying on a blanket...but you can see it's see through.
I decided to put some color behind it. Since i love to scrapbook, i found some green paper in two different shades. I measured the squares and cut 35 little squares to put in the spots on the board. Then i glued them to a board and stuck the board to the back of the frame and i now have a colorful background for my calendar :) If i decide to be even more creative maybe i'll do different colors for each month...but we'll see :)

Here's the After: