Monday, May 7, 2012

28 Week Glucose Test

I had my 28 week appointment on May 1. During this appointment they test your iron levels and your glucose to check for gestational diabetes. In order to check they have you drink this "orange drink" that basically tastes like orange soda with no fizz and is very thick. Everyone told me about it and said how gross it was which i thought wasn't bad at all...maybe the last sip was getting to be pretty thick/sugary, but not a big deal.
Got the results back and they said my glucose levels were high and i had to do a 3 hour re-take test the next morning...not fun. I had to fast for 12 hours before going in too. I got there at 8 and they took my blood. i think i would have been fine if giving blood wasn't AWFUL for me. The day before (first test) they poked my left arm and couldn't find my vein and of course, end up moving it around in my arm, feels awesome by the way, until they finally get blood to come out. So my left arm was already bruised from that.
They took blood right away, then had me drink the Orange Drink and i had to go back in 3 times every hour for the next 3 hours to get my blood drawn. Easy, except my veins don't cooperate and they end up poking me two times almost every time to get to one. So both elbows are bruised right now but feeling fine, not a fun experience!
I got the results back that night and my levels were fine. WOO HOO! Doctor said since i'm not a soda drinker, sometimes something sugary like that is a shock to your system so my re-take results were low and i'm A.O.K. :)
Iron was barely low he said so i just have to take some iron pills which i hear almost everyone ends up having to do.
Baby and I are good to go! SOOOOOO anxious for July!!
week 28 - Rutabaga!

1 comment:

  1. U.S. glucose testing is undergoing a significant transition, driven by new analytical technologies and developments in diabetes treatment. Although the blood glucose testing segment of the in vitro diagnostics (IVD) industry is mature, several segments of the market, such as home testing devices for diabetes management and point of care (POC) instruments for use in professional settings, will exhibit strong growth. Direct access testing has emerged as a strong force in the blood glucose testing segment, and non-invasive and minimally-invasive testing now represent major new areas for the application of IVD. U.S. Glucose Testing Market
