Thursday, May 31, 2012

2 months to go!!!

32 weeks pregnant...time has FLOWN. However, i have a bad feeling the next 2 months will drag a little more. Hopefully not but you never know.

1) I've been feeling pretty good lately. The only things i've noticed changing is my breathing ability! Apparently the bigger the baby gets the more s/he pushes on my lungs which the other night made me panic. I was sitting down watching TV and attempted to take a deep breath and absolutely could NOT do it. of course i started freaking out like somethign was wrong and started crying, which doesn't help things. Pete luckily was able to calm him down. Thank GOD he was blessed with patience because I sure as heck was NOT. Must be why we're a good fit :) He calmly got me to settle down and relax. Then he looked online and sure enough, read all sorts of things about how after 30 weeks you start to get short of breath.

2) Bloody noses...almost daily. nothing extreme, but it's pretty annoying. Especially when i've gone 28 years without having one. No, my blood pressure is not high. Last time is was like 96/62 or something. The highest it's been is 112/60 something. Low BP Here!

3) Getting comfortable in bed isn't as easy as it used to be. Especially when my husband tries to steal my body pillow.

4) I still get up 1-3 times per night to pee...lots of fun.

5) i LOVE feeling the baby move around. There is honestly no better feeling in the world than feeling your baby inside of you...except for those few times s/he really jabs me in the side or kicks me hard, it feels wonderful :) I honestly sit at work sometimes, or at home, or in bed with my hands in my belly. I may look ridiculous but I don't care because as long of a journey as this has been, i'm not missing out on any movements, feelings etc. I really am blessed and thankful for each and every day i feel this little baby moving around inside of me. It's reassurance all is well :)

6) According to Pete i have more energy than i'm supposed to. He read i'm supposed to be tired in the 3rd trimester but i haven't been able to fall asleep as early as i used to and he's a bit confused haha. Yes, I do get tired, especially the longer i'm on my feet. But my mind is going a mile a minute thinking of what i want to get done before the baby comes so it's hard to fall fast asleep at night.

7) I still crave fruit. Strawberries and Watermelon mostely right now. However, i have to admit, chocolate is SLOWLY starting to creep in the mix. I think this will make Pete's life if i start to like sweets as much as he does. That boy would put hot fudge and Marshmallow fluff on his burger if I'd let him. Who needs ketchup/mustard/pickles?!

8) We have a few names picked out for both genders. Some days we think we have "the name" but then we battle back and forth over what we each like more. We haven't told a soul this time what our names are...for specific reasons :) So keep asking people! you'll know when we know :)

8) Mst of all....Pete and I have not even met this little miracle growing in me and we love him or her SO much! God is good!!!

Here's a fun little comparison of 10 weeks ago to now.
Week 22

32 weeks - supposed to be a squash, not a pumpkin :)

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