Monday, March 5, 2012

New Calendar

Back when Pete and I lived in Marshall, MN a friend of mine worked at a cute craft store. They had this frame that you write on the days/months/etc. with a wet erase marker. It has a white frame and is see through. It' son my white wall and seemed very boring to i came up with an idea :)
Here's the before:
Kind of hard to see, but it was laying on a blanket...but you can see it's see through.
I decided to put some color behind it. Since i love to scrapbook, i found some green paper in two different shades. I measured the squares and cut 35 little squares to put in the spots on the board. Then i glued them to a board and stuck the board to the back of the frame and i now have a colorful background for my calendar :) If i decide to be even more creative maybe i'll do different colors for each month...but we'll see :)

Here's the After:

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