Thursday, January 10, 2013

Where has the time gone??

Well, Sawyer is almost 6 months old. Already. Don't mind me while I shed a few tears. I honestly have no idea where the last 6 months have gone. They've flown by so fast it breaks my heart! It's definitely bittersweet though, every day is so exciting as Sawyer is developing his own personality and it shines through more and more! In addition to Sawyer growing like a weed, Pete and I have also moved. It's been a busy few months!
Pete's company had a job opening in Madison and asked if he'd be interested in relocating. Due to having a baby, we decided to go for it, this way we'd be closer to family and our friends back home. However, the move happened so fast, as in, a month, that we started looking for houses quickly and then decided not to rush it so we moved in with my Brother Kyle in Jefferson. While it stinks not being able to "settle in" quite yet, we're taking advantage of it and saving up extra money to put down for a downpayment on a house. we're hopin to save up more so that we can put more down and not have such a high mortgage payment. that will help as well with me being a stay at home mom. I LOVE staying home with Sawyer. No matter how i feel, he puts a big smile on my face every day.

Here's what he's up to and loving as of recently...
- STANDING, all he wants to do is stand. he can't stand on his own, but if you help him, he'll do it all day long.
- EATING, he eats every baby food imaginable. Peas, Beans, Apples, Bananas, Pears, Peaches, Sweet Potatoes, Squash and that may be everything. Eats it all like a champ!
- SLEEPING, he takes great naps (most of the time) normally gets up between 7/7:30am and naps by 9:30 for 1-2 hours. gets up, eats, plays and naps around 1:30/2pm for 1-2 hours. Lately, i think he's going through a growth spurt and he now takes a little catnap again around 5pm for half hour or so. then he's in bed by 8pm. Can't complain with him
- LAUGHING, the kid is ticklish and laughs like crazy!
- He is very alert and is constantly watching what we're doing and waht's going on around him. especially with the dogs. He LOVES Bela and Izzy and loves watching them play all day long
- Loves the bath! At the end we let him jump in the water and he splashes around.
- Not sure what he quite weighs but on 1/21 he has his 6 month appointment....we shall see :)
- He knows who is mom and who is dad. he reaches his hands up for us to pick him up and smiles at us when he sees us. No better feeling than that!
- Almost scooting fully around the place. He can go on his belly and scoot around in a circle which is pretty comical to watch. he knows to grab for things now and puts anything and everything in his mouth (no teeth yet!)
- Got his first cold the other day. He's been so snuggly since, poor little boy :(

That's about it. I'll try to keep up better with this but I don't really get on the computer much anymore! Sorry Aunt Marge :) I'll try to post more pictures for you!! :)

I'll write after his 6 month appointment! :)

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