Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Hahm's Are Having a Baby!!!!

I suppose it's time that i finally am able to write that Pete and I are expecting a baby! It's been a LONG couple of months waiting to announce it to everyone, that's for sure!
November 13th, i took that test and it was positive! :)
Starting that Monday, I went in every other day for blood work testing. They checked my hormone levels to make sure that they were at least doubling every day. Each day they'd double, and some days they'd triple which was amazing to hear. After 1.5 weeks of doing that, my doctor said, OK, now we wait until you're 12 weeks along. Umm...sorry, not happening. I was not about to wait 6 weeks to find out if things were okay, so we switched doctors and my new doctor is amazing. He put me on progesterone pills right away. He said sometimes your body does not produce enough in early pregnancy which causes miscarriages. I had to take two pills per day until 12 weeks.
After he put me on the progesterone pills, he had me come in weekly for ultrasounds. Let me tell you....that very first ultrasound that was scheduled at 7 weeks had me feeling sick as i laid on that table waiting and hoping to see a little heart beat. I don't think i was breathing until i heard Dr. Heins said, there it is!! Week 7 the heartbeat was 90, Week 8 it was 126, week 9 it was 171, week 10 it was 176 and week 11 it was 156. He said the heart beat would increase until close to 12 weeks and then it would drop and stay between 120 - 160 normally until the baby was born. The first time we heard the heart beat was at week 9. I don't think Pete's smile could have been any bigger, it's the most amazing, and miraculous thing we've ever heard. I think we were both beaming every time we would leave an appointment.
After my 11 week appointment he said he didn't need to see me until i was 16 weeks, so my next appt is 2/7. I'm really excited to see/hear how the baby has grown!
I can't complain that i had "bad" morning sickness as i was only nauseous for 3-4 weeks, but it was ALL.DAY.LONG. a few times I would walk into the kitchen and start crying because nothing was appealing to me....that is, except for Clementine Oranges and Mac and Cheese. Poor Pete...i didn't cook much for those few weeks :) Luckily that phase has passed...I had lost 3-4 pounds in the first trimester, which the doctor said is very normal due to feeling nauseous.
Before Christmas, the nauseous feeling went away and I gained my appetite. I still havne't gained anything from my 11 week appointment, but i'm sure it's coming :) I have discovered meat doesn't appeal to me as much anymore. Pete and i went to a BBQ restaurant recently and i thought i was going to be sick in there lol.

On Christmas Eve we told Pete's family by having his dad announce it in the prayer at dinner. He said something like "Please bless the baby that Jen and Pete are expecting in July" I looked up and saw Sharon and Kaycee's jaws drop lol, after I chatted with those two letting them know how things have been going! On my side we always take a cousin group picture. The aunts and my mom always take the pics so i had my mom say "OK, everyone say "Jen and Pete are having a baby" and she snapped the picture which was pretty neat too since we got the reactions :)
There were a few select people that did know ahead of time that we were pregnant, like our parents and a few very close friends of ours. I'm forever grateful and thankful to them for keeping me sane and keeping me positive for those few months as we were both very scared/nervous for what was going to happen. Now that we've told all our family and friends, the support we've gained has been wonderful. The constant love we get via calls/texts/emails is a huge blessing and keeps us positive! You know who you are and we love you and are very thankful to have each of you in our lives!
I'm due on July 22 and we do not plan on finding out what we're having and are SO excited to keep it a surprise until the day Baby Hahm is born and the doctor says "It's a......." Can't wait!!
Below are a few pictures of before the bump started and a week ago when the bump appeared :)

7 Weeks Along, size of a blueberry!

Reactions after telling my Cousins :)

12 Weeks - size of a lime :)

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