Wednesday, February 20, 2013

7 months old!!

He's definitely not easy to get to sit still for a picture anymore. It was a struggle this morning for sure but I managed to get a couple! :) one of course with his nose scrunched :) regardless, he's still the best baby in the world!! :)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Sawyer's 6 month Pictures

We had his 6 month pictures done the week of 1/21. They turn out SO CUTE! He was so good for his pictures and they were fun to take. Brenda and I both had some ideas that we bounced off of each other. I'm SO happy I went with the first year package. newborn pictures, 3 month, 6 month, 9 month and 1 year. They're so fun to look back at and see how much they're changing! They change SO FAST!

He's 6 1/2 months old now and learned the following things:
- on 2/1 got up on all fours and moved a knee forward. I almost passed out I couldn't believe it lol. Since then he isn't fully crawling, he will go in a circle and back up like nobody's business, but going forward is taking extra time. Fine by me! I don't want to see my little baby on the move yet. I want him to be a baby again :) j/k.
- he's learned there is an "up" as in he knows to look up and stare at the ceiling, trees, birds etc. I was talking to my friend nicole and told her that and she said, I guess I never realized you actually have to "learn" to do that lol...neither did I.
- He blows bubbles and makes the noise when blowing his lips.
- He might have outgrown his screaming when he gets put in a car seat phase, knock on wood!
- he is still extremely ticklish!!! Love hearing him laugh
- On 2/1 he started saying ba-ba, and i might have heard him say dada on my birthday but i haven't since so i'm acting like it didn't happen lol. i tried to get him to say mama all such luck :)
- he's eating like a tank still..doesn't seem to be drinking AS much formula which is nice! he's learning to use a sippy cup slowly and doesn't depend on the bottle as often as he does breakfast, lunch and dinner!
- Pete and Sawyer still have a cute and wonderful bedtime routine. I'm so blessed to have a great husband that works all day, comes home and literally takes Sawyer from me and wont' let me take him the rest of the night! He misses him a lot and all he looks forward to is seeing him after work. Every night we eat together, then Pete and Sawyer play while I clean up (I get to play if I clean up fast enough :)) and around 6:45/7:00 Pete gets a bottle, goes upstairs, feeds him, reads to him and hums him a song to put him to bed. It's the cutest thing. I sometimes ask if I can do bedtime routine and he won't let me!! I'm a little jealous. A few nights Pete's been gone late working so I get to and I love it just as much.
- 2/1-2/4 Sawyer took a second trip up to Rochester to visit our friends the Buchmanns. We took the kids to the Children's museum. Luckily Sawyer was free becasue he slept through the entire thing.He also slept through his first Super Bowl. He was SOOO tired by 5:30 so Pete laid him in bed at 6pm and he slept straight through until 7am!! all that traveling wore him out!
- 2/8 was my birthday. I got breakfast in bed (with Sawyer and Pete), then we went to the coffee shop and my mom surprsied me with a cake and balloons. Of course we let Sawyer try a little bit of the cake...he looked at us like what in the world am I eating? it was about the size of a pea but he enjoyed it. It was fun to share a cake with him :)

he kept grabbing and pinching his skin lol

6 months and already posing for the camera!

One of my favorites.

Pretty sure he was saying he was DONE with this.

That's about all that's been going on with the Hahms! Enjoy the Pictures!!