Monday, November 19, 2012

Christmas Pictures!!

My friend is a photographer, and asked if she could use Sawyer as a test for some photo ideas she had. Of course I said yes! All the other pictures she's done of him have turned out amazing.
He was a little complicated though. He wasn't fussy, but now that he's mastered rolling from back to belly, he doesn't like to STAY on his back and if he does, he's constantly reaching for his feet as you'll see in the one picture. Also, when he's on his belly, he used to sit up on his arms and hold himself up...lately, he flops them to his side like he's trying to fly or swim lol so he doesn't stay propped up that well. He's just trying to move so much it's crazy. So when we took those pictures, i'd prop him on his arms and quick move my arms away so she could snap some pictures, so he was constantly looking at me :) Anyway, i think they turned out really cute!! And I know i'm biased, but still :)

Sawyer in a Christmas Tie - 4 months

Sawyer on his belly - 4 months

Sawyer in a Santa Hat & Cookies - 4 months
This one is definitely my favorite!! :)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Scare with Sawyer

It's been quite the week to say the least!
Tuesday started off like any other day, get up, feed Sawyer, shower, Pete takes him to the sitter, go to work. At about 10:15 our babysitter Barbie called me at work, which never happens. She was frantic and said I had to come right away, Sawyer was having problems breathing earlier and started turning blue. I hung up the phone and ran to my car faster than I've ever gone before. I was a nervous-wreck. Of course, nobody was going the speed limit either. I was stuck behind every slow moving vehicle at 10:15am on a Tuesday. I was laying on the horn and felt like Cruella DeVille driving down Taylor Drive, but I made it there in record time let me tell you!

I got there and Sawyer was pale as a ghost and not moving like normal. I called his pediatrician as I was loading him into his car seat and said we're coming in now, make an opening becuase someone needs to see him. I took Barbie with me and she explained what happened on the way in. Apparently he was hanging out and was fine, but then started coughing, and then he started having problems getting air...seemed like something was stuck in his throat. He was tryign to cough it out but loosing air and apparently started turning blue and his eyes started rolling back and finally he coughed up some mucous.Then he was breathing fine. I guess Barbie was very close to calling 911 until that suddenly came out. Makes me want to start sobbing thinking about it....

Anyway, the doctor came out in the waiting room right away and listened to his breathing and his chest was clear so they got a room for us and got us right in. She checked his chest and heard no obstruction in there which is great. Then she did an oxygen level test and his oxygen level was 100% and his heart rate was in the 140s. Everything came back great. Poor Barbie was in the corner crying and scared out of her mind at what she had witnessed earlier.

Since everything came back great, the Doctor told me I should just take him home the rest of the day and watch him CLOSELY. If it happens again, call 911 or come into the hospital ASAP, whatever is necessary to do. I took Barbie home and told her to try to calm her self and I'd keep her posted the rest of the day. the second I got home, I lost it. I was absolutely sobbing. Things could have been very bad, very, very bad and I don't even know what I'd do without that little boy. He, of course, was acting just fine. He learned that day how to roll from his back to his belly (which the doc said is really early!). He just kept rolling, as if he was telling me, 'Mom, I'm fine, Stop crying'. He snuggled with me too which was great. Pete got home and he took Sawyer right away, and I started crying again. We put the pack n play in our bedroom for the night so we could listen better to him while he slept. We put him down to bed around 8pm and I am pretty sure I checked him every 5 minutes until I went to bed at 10pm. After I laid him down at 8, I came out of the room and sat on Pete's lap and just started bawling.
I by no means ever want to see him looking like that ever again. It's unfortunatley an imagine I can't get out of my head. He's the most precious thing to Pete and I and we'd do absolutely anything for him.

Crazy thing was, after I dropped off Barbie, she told me she was praying and praying that Sawyer would be OK and cough whatever it was up, and he did. When I dropped her off, there was a huge bright light shining above her house from the clouds...which we both believe was God saying he was watching over our precious baby boy.

So we made it 3 1/2 months with no scares from Sawyer, and there was the first of many I'm sure. If I could keep him in a padded bubble for the rest of his life, I would :) I am also pretty sure I grew my first gray hair and aged 20 years in a matter of seconds when all of that happened.

I always heard moms saying how much they love their kids and I never understood it. I love my family, and Pete, but this love, for a baby is such a different kind of love and so much harder to explain until you actually have a baby and can understand it. He's definitely the biggest blessing that's ever come into our life. I told Pete, our two babies, we unfortunately never got a chance to meet, were watching over their brother Sawyer Tuesday morning!

He's been fine since though :) Maybe he just wanted a way to spend the day with his mom :) Mission accomplished little man!

Monday, November 5, 2012


Well, the Hahm's are moving! I feel weird saying "again" since the last time we moved was 2009, but before then, was quite a few times. Let's see, college, then to Marshall MN which was pure torture on my behalf. How people can live in a city where the closest "big" city is Sioux Falls South Dakota blows my mind because it was 1 1/2 hours away! That drive was awful. I'm getting away from my point of moving lol...

College, Marshall MN, back to Jefferson, then to Sheboygan in a duplex for 1 month until we got an upper duplex where we lived for 1 year, and then to the house we've been in since 2009. We're pretty good at packing. I've taught Pete it's better to LABEL the boxes before moving so we actually know what's IN the boxes when we unpack. The first move we made random things were thrown in random boxes and yes, we finally got around to throwing a bunch of junk away back in June when i was "Nesting" before Sawyer was born. Pete has a bad habit of holding on to things that he could fix and reuse. It would be a great idea if he were a fix-it kind of guy. He's not which is fine becuase he's a very hard worker otherwise, but no Pete, we're not keeping a frame that the glass broke in so you can buy more glass to put in the frame. We're throwing it away. Sorry honey :)

This past weekend we went through the basement. Threw out so much in the basement it felt great. Then we got to the spare bedroom upstairs. We have frames, photo albums, DVDs and CDs. Pete wanted to throw away my old college CD's. I wouldn't let him lol. Not sure when i'm going to listen to the "Nasco Cool Mix" or "Spring Break Weird Mix" or "Roommates 2005 Crazy Mix" but some day i may be in a weird mood and want to listen to them!

We managed to combine all our college papers/reports/books/notebooks into one bin. Not sure why we are keeping that either, but you never know. I also have a huge bin full of wedding stuff, as in our bulletins, invitations, RSVP cards, wedding cards. Not sure what i'm going to do with that, but maybe if I have a daughter she may be interested in looking at that someday :)

So my last day at Kohler is 11/26. We're packing that whole next week and moving our whole house to Jefferson, which luckily is only 2 hours away. However, we're storing things in my mom's basement and then the things we need will go with us to Kyle's house. I'm pretty excited that he's opened up his house to us. He's had a rough year and having us, especially Sawyer, living with him through the winter while he's laid off, and through the holidays will really help him out and keep his spririts up. I've only been warned not to be too "motherly" toward him and i've warned him that if he comes back late at night from the bar, and wakes myself or Sawyer, he's going to hear an earful from me and that he's been warned! Luckily we're sleeping upstairs and have a bathroom up there. He'll be downstairs with his own bathroom so when he does come home, he won't wake us, or better not :)

I got out of moving to the house we're in now. I jsut started working at Kohler and Pete had the month of July off so he moved us by himself basically. Poor guy. He said i'm not getting out of this move. I may need to see if our mother in law can come up that week for a few days so we can actually pack without Sawyer being in the way, or he'll have to go to the sitter. Otherwise, Kyle may be laid off for the winter by then and can help.

I'm kind of sad about leaving Sheboygan...I'll miss the lake, Urbane, some of the fun restaurants and some of the people. But in the outweighs everything and being closer to Pete's parents and my parents will be more beneficial in the end. Being too crammed on the weekends when we come home has been stressful. Everyone wants to see Sawyer and no matter what we do, nobody gets as much time as they want with him. Now at least we can go to his parents for the night for supper if we want, or to my mom's or dad's etc. which will be fun :) And no more long traveling in the crappy winter weather! Yay!! :)

OK, i'm done blabbing :) Sawyer has his 4 month appointment on 11/19. FOUR MONTHS ALREADY! Where does the time go? He's the cutest thing right now. In church yesterday, he laughed...basically half the service until he fell asleep. He was laughign at nothing either but it was the best sound to listen to :) he just melts my heart more and more every day! Quite the blessing, that's for sure.

Monday, October 22, 2012

3, 2 and 1 month pictures

Awhile ago I bought stickers on to use for pictures each month for a year of Sawyer. It's kind of fun to look back and see how much he's changed! I don't always notice it since I see him every day. Regardless, I lovee ach and every month :) He's grown so much!!!

His 1 month picture - he could barely sit up in this picture since he was such a peanut!

2 Month Picture! Looks pretty relaxed and the chubby cheeks have appeared!

3 Month Picture! It was hard to get a decent picture because he kept grabbing his feet and not looking at me to snap a picture! I finally got him to look up long enough to snap a picture! He's definitely storing some walnuts in those cheeks for the long winter! :) I just love his chubby cheeks and kiss them all the time :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sawyer at 3 Months Old...sniff sniff!

TIME HAS FLOWN!!! I now realize i don't have as much time to update my blog as I used to! Instead of being at home and sitting on the computer, I'm hanging out with my little boy :) And when he naps, that's time to clean up the house and get other things done! AND...i headed back to work this past week! Talk about tear fest! I was sobbing on Sunday night, made it through work Monday, sobbed Monday night, teared up Tuesday morning, cried Tuesday during lunch, Cried Tuesday night and so far it's Wednesday and no tears helps that i called our sitter at lunch and she said he's doing great, not fussy, napping fine and talking up a storm to her, WOO HOO!! :)

Month 3 has brought on a lot of changes for Sawyer!
- 10/6/12 - he learned to roll from his stomach to his back!
- 10/2/12 - started to teethe...he found his hands and is chomping on them ALL THE TIME!
- Started making bubbles
- LOVES TO TALK! He's always talking to us, it's the cutest thing in the world!
- He sleeps a good 10 hours a night
- Not sure on exact weight as his next appt. is at 4 months, but I'm guessing over 13 pounds
- Cradle cap that he had is now gone!
- He's getting long! He can wear a size 6 month in some PJ's, guess he may inherit the Hahm Height and not Cooper Height :)
- He's starting to giggle more and more
- He follows Pete and I with his eyes and when he looks at us he smiles :)
- We're starting to "unswaddle" him as he goes to bed. First two nights were awful, he woke up every two hours crying. So now we're back to swaddling him with one arm hanging out at a time...hoping to eventually get both arms out and then not swaddle!
- he eats 28-30 ounces of formula a day
- he loves bath time..he lays in the tub and just hangs out. Lately he's been putting his foot over the edge of his little tub to put it in the water lol
- As of the last week, he hates to lay in your arms like a baby. he needs to be on your shoulder, with his elbows propped on your shoulder so he can hold his head up and look around of a few days ago, he loves to SIT! He will sit forever if you put in on the couch propped up on both sides and just look around like he's an adult.
- He's getting strong at sitting and loves it!

Our Family Picture

Wearing Daddy's Tie!

Hanging out in a pumpkin :)

Love my little boy!!

Loves hanging out with Daddy!

I bought him this Under Armour shirt at TJ Max for $1.99 lol...too cute to pass up!

This is how he loves to sit! Pete's obviously being weird in this pic :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A few Sawyer pics!

Here's a few pics I've taken recently from my phone. He let out a small giggle today! It was amazing!! Love this little guy sooooo much :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sawyer Jacob Hahm 7-20-12

I'm finally getting around to updating my blog! The last 6 weeks have flown by, faster than i want them to! Sawyer is the biggest blessing to Pete and I and we're soaking in every minute with him that we can.

My original due date was 7-22-12...however, my doctor told me that unfortunately, he was going on vacation 7-22 for a whole week. We discussed the possibility of being induced if i didn't have the baby before my due date so my doctor could deliver him. Since he didn't come by then...inducing it was!
Friday we went in to the hospital at 3:45am to get things started! They started pitocin with me around 5am and i was dilated 3cm.  Around 10am I got checked again and was still 3, pushing 4 so the Doc broke my water. After that...things started progressing. My contractions were coming every 30 seconds and i finally got an idea what contractions felt like! I was pretty miserable so the nurse suggested i order the epidural sooner than later since who knows when he'd get there to do it. He was there within 15 minutes and i had my epidural by 11am. From that point on, i felt nothing :)
The doc was worried for awhile because at the end of my contractions, the baby's heartbeat would drop, so they ended up lowering my pitocin levels and watching it closely, in fear they'd have to do an emergency c-section if it didn't stop and get better. Luckily, after lowering my pitocin levels his heartbeat got better and we didn't have to do a c-section. Around 2 i was at 7cm and finally at 4pm i was fully dilated.
I pushed from 4-5 with all my might, or so i thought. I finally asked the doctor how i was doing and he said i wasn't really doing much. My epidural was turned too high and i couldn't feel a thing so when i thought i was pushing, i wasn't doing much of anything. finally they turned down my epidural at 5 and i could feel a little more pressure and got the pushing down. Then we ran into two issues, he was coming out sideways so he was stuck behind my pubic bone, and the cord was around his neck.
Finally, head came out and the Doc removed the cord from around his neck quickly and then before i knew it the baby was out!!
Before he came, we told the doctor both names we had picked out for a boy and girl so that when the baby came out he could say the name instead of its a boy, or it's a girl.
There was no better feeling than when the baby was out and Doctor Heins said, Looks like it's going to be Sawyer!!! Pete and I looked down and sure enough, there was our chunky, healthy baby boy. After a few tears and after I got to hold him, they took him away and said well...our guess of the baby being 7 pounds is a little off...He was 8lb 15oz 21"...a chunk! Not sure how that happened!
The first night my parents, Pete's parents and my brothers came to visit, along with Pete's cousin Andrea. The next two days were quite the blur with people coming in and out constantly to visit and meet Sawyer. he's a very loved and spoiled boy to say the least!
We came home on sunday afternoon and all has been great since! He's now just over 6 weeks old and is perfect. He has been sleeping for 6-8 hours a night since he was 4 1/2 weeks old. He loves to eat and has been smiling for a few weeks already. We can't get enough of him and both of us find ourselves staring at that precious little face :) Going back to work is goin to be awful...maybe i can talk Pete into letting me stay home with him. fingers crossed :)
Below are a few pictures of our little blessing, Sawyer!

Here he is! 8lb 15.3oz 21"

He loves sleeping like this.

Hanging out with Daddy

zonked out after eating.

At his first wedding 2 weeks old 8/4/12

he was well dressed for the ocassion

Hanging out with Great-Great Aunt Marge at his bapitsm

One Month Old 8-20-12

Happy while playing on his play mat

Tummy Time
All decked out for his first Badger Football game! 9-1-12

Newborn Pic 7-27-12

Newborn Pic 7-27-12

Newborn Pic 7-27-12

Newborn Pic 7-27-12

Newborn Pic 7-27-12

Newborn Pic 7-27-12

Newborn Pic 7-27-12

Newborn Pic 7-27-12