Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A few Sawyer pics!

Here's a few pics I've taken recently from my phone. He let out a small giggle today! It was amazing!! Love this little guy sooooo much :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sawyer Jacob Hahm 7-20-12

I'm finally getting around to updating my blog! The last 6 weeks have flown by, faster than i want them to! Sawyer is the biggest blessing to Pete and I and we're soaking in every minute with him that we can.

My original due date was 7-22-12...however, my doctor told me that unfortunately, he was going on vacation 7-22 for a whole week. We discussed the possibility of being induced if i didn't have the baby before my due date so my doctor could deliver him. Since he didn't come by then...inducing it was!
Friday we went in to the hospital at 3:45am to get things started! They started pitocin with me around 5am and i was dilated 3cm.  Around 10am I got checked again and was still 3, pushing 4 so the Doc broke my water. After that...things started progressing. My contractions were coming every 30 seconds and i finally got an idea what contractions felt like! I was pretty miserable so the nurse suggested i order the epidural sooner than later since who knows when he'd get there to do it. He was there within 15 minutes and i had my epidural by 11am. From that point on, i felt nothing :)
The doc was worried for awhile because at the end of my contractions, the baby's heartbeat would drop, so they ended up lowering my pitocin levels and watching it closely, in fear they'd have to do an emergency c-section if it didn't stop and get better. Luckily, after lowering my pitocin levels his heartbeat got better and we didn't have to do a c-section. Around 2 i was at 7cm and finally at 4pm i was fully dilated.
I pushed from 4-5 with all my might, or so i thought. I finally asked the doctor how i was doing and he said i wasn't really doing much. My epidural was turned too high and i couldn't feel a thing so when i thought i was pushing, i wasn't doing much of anything. finally they turned down my epidural at 5 and i could feel a little more pressure and got the pushing down. Then we ran into two issues, he was coming out sideways so he was stuck behind my pubic bone, and the cord was around his neck.
Finally, head came out and the Doc removed the cord from around his neck quickly and then before i knew it the baby was out!!
Before he came, we told the doctor both names we had picked out for a boy and girl so that when the baby came out he could say the name instead of its a boy, or it's a girl.
There was no better feeling than when the baby was out and Doctor Heins said, Looks like it's going to be Sawyer!!! Pete and I looked down and sure enough, there was our chunky, healthy baby boy. After a few tears and after I got to hold him, they took him away and said well...our guess of the baby being 7 pounds is a little off...He was 8lb 15oz 21"...a chunk! Not sure how that happened!
The first night my parents, Pete's parents and my brothers came to visit, along with Pete's cousin Andrea. The next two days were quite the blur with people coming in and out constantly to visit and meet Sawyer. he's a very loved and spoiled boy to say the least!
We came home on sunday afternoon and all has been great since! He's now just over 6 weeks old and is perfect. He has been sleeping for 6-8 hours a night since he was 4 1/2 weeks old. He loves to eat and has been smiling for a few weeks already. We can't get enough of him and both of us find ourselves staring at that precious little face :) Going back to work is goin to be awful...maybe i can talk Pete into letting me stay home with him. fingers crossed :)
Below are a few pictures of our little blessing, Sawyer!

Here he is! 8lb 15.3oz 21"

He loves sleeping like this.

Hanging out with Daddy

zonked out after eating.

At his first wedding 2 weeks old 8/4/12

he was well dressed for the ocassion

Hanging out with Great-Great Aunt Marge at his bapitsm

One Month Old 8-20-12

Happy while playing on his play mat

Tummy Time
All decked out for his first Badger Football game! 9-1-12

Newborn Pic 7-27-12

Newborn Pic 7-27-12

Newborn Pic 7-27-12

Newborn Pic 7-27-12

Newborn Pic 7-27-12

Newborn Pic 7-27-12

Newborn Pic 7-27-12

Newborn Pic 7-27-12